I am still learning, taking master classes, practising and experimenting. I adore everything connected with the arts. I truly believe there are no limits to perfection, especially in contemporary art.
What else?
I have always believed that...
Every man's happiness is his own responsibility. If you talk even a little on abstract topics to those who are in their 70s, you can learn a lot about their lives
When I was 16...
I dreamed of getting out of my parents' house in order to live independently and the way I wanted. Then I did not know that this is an illusion
Nothing inspires me as much as...
Watching beautiful pictures around (a landscape, a cityscape), masterpieces of art, colors of dawn and sunset ... and also making my paintings and writing my novels (I also write books :-) )
I am annoyed by...
Human stupidity, obtrusiveness and arrogance
I like myself when...
I am full of energy and ready to implement even the most complicated projects. But I like myself even more when tired, I rest after what I’ve done and say to myself: “Yes, I did it!”My biggest flaw is...
Short temper and vulnerability
When I feel sad...
I'm sad. Preferably listening to atmospheric jazz
What can make me blush is...
...a compliment and words of love
The best rest for my soul is...
...a good book or a film, communication with family
The world changed for me when...
I gave birth to my son
I would give a lot to...
...ensure that there is no metaphorical Darknet in any area of human existence. So that a person simply had no chance to imagine it’s possible to sink and swarm at a low point in life.
The character I usually recognize myself in is...
Scarlett O’Hara. Especially in her difficult moments.
My most unforgettable trip is...
Someday in the future, I...
...will open my gallery and publish a world best seller
The question that I would first ask God is -
I actually have 2 questions: “Why did you create despondency?” and "Why did you allow only 24 hours in a day?"
(The pic is taken from open sources on the Internet)