Nude female painting "Feminine New and Eternal" - original blue and orange woman oil painting, figure painting. Nude art

When working on this artwork I wanted to meditate about a nowaday woman. Beyond all her roles, stereotypes, popular opinions. Are we self-sufficient? Are we self-realized (in whatever field important for us)? Are we satisfied? At last, are we happy?

When working I was also thinking about women in the past. Were they satisfied and happy? Happier than us?  Are we really so different? 

What is deep in the core of womanhood?   

Are Mary Magdalene, Mother Teresa and, say, Margaret Thatcher really absolutely different deep inside?... 

Isn't everything debatable here?..

When I finished, my husband asked me: "Why is she wearing so big hat?" I thought: "To hide her eyes... I mean her real thoughts, feelings and emotions"

"And why is she naked if she is eh.. a probable strong modern woman?"

And I thought: when she is dressed up, she immediately plays a role, whatever outfit she is wearing, either a mammoth skin or Louis Vuitton last collection dress. Her dressing is her armor and in it she is... fake. Being naked here is about being yourself.

Some more photos with the painting as home decor:


You may see more photos and details about it and also buy it here: __________________